I have an idea for a semi-large scale installation. It's basically a giant jigsaw puzzle which requires people to work together to solve the puzzle. And by work i mean move.
(The puzzle could be a still photograph or maybe even running video.)
The idea is that over a given area--say 50ft by 50ft--each person's location can be triangulated. Each person playing the game will be matched to a given piece of the puzzle. The puzzle is projected on the wall or ceiling--somewhere where it's easy for all to view. As the people move, their piece of the puzzle moves along with them on screen.
As people move close to their true neighboring pieces--the ones they fit together with--their pieces can snap together on screen (and hopefully their are some auditory and visual clues like highlighting around successful piece matches).
As people are forming "groups" the groups may have to shift around together in order to continue to solve the puzzle while the other remaining pieces fall in line.
this is a first draft btw, so here are some things to figure out:
How can we triangulate locations of participants in such a relatively small field? It would be cool to be able to do it with WiFi or RFID--something people use everyday without really thinking about it--but i don't know how successful it can be.
How can we get a computer to slice up a puzzle randomly and assign random pieces to people?
More on Wireless Triangulation
marky - my roommate skyvat has created a performance piece that also tracks people and moves little avatars on a screen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYWJdHXD-I8) - if people wear colored hats or, better yet, hats with simplified barcodes on them (think: fez with polkadots on top) then you could track them from above as vatsky has done for his critical mass project.
oh yeah the setup he has is totally what i was thinking for the field of triangulation and the projection. I'm wondering if it's possible to do this triangulation/location stuff with wireless/rfid or something. I'm looking into it.
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