Monday, November 26

it all comes around again

This is an audiovisual equivalent of tossing an idea out and letting it circle for awhile before making some slight changes and sending it back out.  The visuals are derived from some scans of butterfly wings that I made a while back.


Mia said...

did people add to both the audio and visual components? have you projected this before? (i'm just wondering how it started .. did you give any direction?)
it's so lovely! i never would have guessed butterfly wings-parts of it reminded me of city lights & buildings you see out the window of a cab late at night, driving home.

Proconsul said...

Magnificent, elegant, superb! What it most reminded me of, somehow, was the Mandelbrot Set. You have a remarkable eye for the tension between the abstract tranquility of these images and the identity of the butterflies as living (or at least once-living) creatures.