Friday, November 30

2006 Holiday Card Project

Last holiday season i decided to try to create an online holiday card people can watch and listen to.

I asked people via email to leave voice mail messages on my home phone. Since the messages come to my email as a wav attachment, I was easily able to use them in my music composition program.

I asked people to think about what they really wanted for the new year and to call in and leave their answer on my voicemail.

I then sliced up their words and made a message out of it all--maybe a meta-message.

This is the result.


mia said...

are you going to one this year- or something like it? let me know if you'd like any participants! : )

Mark McCray said...

I think i'm going to try and do something revolving around the meaning of the word "heart". I'll let you know when i put it together.